So its full on into my best season of climbing and yet I’ve got next to no photos up! Well it is a simple equation, number of pictures is inversely proportional to the amount of climbing I’m getting in. This late winter and early spring I really hit the gym hard and I’ve gotten up to climbing 5.11s at the gym pretty consistently. Climbing outside I really haven’t ventured onto anything super hard. Hardest stuff thus far has been a couple 5.10s in the Gunks with Paul and Lauren, and then a 5.10+ over the weekend with Lauren, Mike D, and Ben.
Primarily I’ve been engrossed in getting my strength and knowledge up so that I can put to use the rack that I’ve been compiliing over the winter. I’ve got it about 70% finished with just some TCUs and extra biners needed to finish things up. I’ll then be able to start working on doubles of the larger sizes. In the mean time I’ve done some good leads with my rack augmented with pieces from Mike D and Paul. Tick list so far on lead is:
- P2 Easy Overhang 5.3?, Gunks
- Rodendendron 5.6, Gunks
- P3 Shockley’s Roof 5.6, Gunks
- Main Street 5.4, Ragged Mtn.
- Wet Wall 5.6, Ragged Mtn.
- Knight’s Move 5.4, Ragged Mtn.
- Wishbone 5.7+, Ragged Mtn.