
2023-04-23 Henry Mtns Skiing

April 23, 2023 Keeping the winter vibes and skiing theme going, Carly and I headed south to tick off a ski zone that I’ve wanted to explore since reading about it in the Utah ski guidebook. The main allure of the Henry Mountains is their status of some of the most remote and undisturbed terrain […]

Motorcycling Ski

2023-04-15 Deseret Peak

With the record snow year we’ve had in Utah I’ve been psyched about doing some spring skiing. Deseret Peak, to the west of Salt Lake City, has a pair of couloirs that face north and are easy, as far as couloirs go. The trick is the road is closed about 4 miles from the true […]


2017-06-04 Uintas Skiing to Escape the Heat

June 4, 2017 Today Carly and a couple of her friends from her MBA program escaped the heat of the valley–currently sitting at approximately 93°F here in SLC–for a morning of spring skiing in the Uintas.  I haven’t done much spring skiing so Carly and I were potentially under prepared without crampons or a piolet. […]

Nature & Hiking

Wet Weather in Salt Lake City

May 17, 2015 Though things seem to have returned to normal, back in late April through Memorial Day we’ve had some really wet weather in Salt Lake City.  While no records were broken there were many, many days we had rain, clouds, or drizzle.  The persistent rain was really a bummer for climbing opportunities, but […]


Utah Weather Update

April 14-16, 2015 The afternoon of April 14 we had a cold front move through the state and generate some pretty crazy weather.  Dust from the many large dry lake beds was whipped up in the winds which gusted to 90 mph in some of the canyons.  Because of the crappy air quality in the […]