Climbing Nature & Hiking Travel

2023 Croatia Trip

Intro It is more common now than in our parents generation to take a honeymoon well after the wedding.  To me, this makes a lot of sense since there is a lot going on to plan a wedding.  Adding the complexities of a honeymoon on top of that seems silly to me.  Carly and I […]

Motorcycling Travel

2021-06-11 thru 13 Adventure Ride thru Unitas and Dinosaur National Monument

Andreas reached out to me last week and wanted to know if I wanted to join him on a three day adventure ride starting from SLC heading up into the north side of the Uintas then meandering towards Vernal, UT then striking out towards and through Dinosaur National Monument then hooking back to SLC on […]


2018-06-24 thru 25 Moto w-Andreas

June 24-25, 2018 Andreas and I went out for a weekend ride a couple weeks back.  This was actually the first time I’ve gone overnight with the motorcycle so it was nice.  We took a pretty circuitous route around the eastern side of the state.  The variation in Utah’s scenery was the highlight.  Barren deserts, […]

Climbing Travel

2017-09 Chamonix Vacation

September 5-20, 2017 After the great work trip to Chamonix I had in May I started thinking about going back and having more time for climbing and seeing the valley.  After some asking around it sounded like September was a good month to go as the weather was still mild and the summer tourists had […]

Climbing Ski Travel

Chamonix in May

May 6-25, 2017 What a trip is all I have to say to start.   In November 2016 I headed to Chamonix, France to feel out a seemingly unbelievable opportunity.  That trip was my first to Chamonix and I didn’t get a peek at the riches that the area has for mountain scenery and fun. […]